Yuqori kuchlanish Ansi 01 uchun Post izolatörler
Bizning muvaffaqiyat kaliti polimerlar PIN izolatör uchun "yaxshi mahsulot sifatini, o'rtacha qiymati va samarali xizmat" emas chinni, Insulator , Composite Post Insulator, Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or seeking engineering assistance for your application, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements. We’ve been looking forward to cooperating with friends from all over the world.
Asosiy yo'nalishlari VA STANDART HOLATLAR
Cat. yo'q |
H1301 |
H1302 |
H1303 |
H1304 |
H1305 |
H1306 |
Class |
57-1 |
57-2 |
57-3 |
57-4 |
57-5 |
57-6 |
Anjir |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Past chastota flashover kuchlanish |
Quruq (kV) |
70 |
100 |
125 |
140 |
160 |
180 |
Nam (kV) |
50 |
70 |
95 |
110 |
130 |
150 |
Flashover Ijobiy Tanqidiy Impulse (kV) |
120 |
160 |
200 |
230 |
265 |
300 |
Radio-ta'siri voltli Data |
Test kuchlanish (kV) |
15 |
22 |
30 |
44 |
44 |
44 |
Mac RIV 2 mV |
100 |
100 |
200 |
200 |
200 |
200 |
Masofa (inch) oshkor |
14 |
22 |
29 |
40 |
45 |
53 |
Quruq boshq masofa (inch) |
6,5 |
9,5 |
12.25 |
14.5 |
17,25 |
19,25 |
yuqori (dyuym) qarang |
9 |
12 |
15 |
17 |
20 |
23,5 |
Konsol ayb yuk (funt) |
2800 |
2800 |
2800 |
2800 |
2800 |
2800 |
Yalıtıcılar standart diametri (inch) |
5,5 |
6 |
6,5 |
7 |
7,5 |
8 |
Markazi teshik standart mavzu o'lchamlari (inch) |
3/4 |
3/4 |
3/4 |
3/4 |
3/4 |
7/4 |
Biz kamroq mahsulot qilish va malakasiz mahsulotlari zavod tark qilmasin, boshqaruv falsafasi rioya korxona asosi sifatida sifatini qarash.