آخر ۾ ڪيبل Porcelain Bushing
اسان جي انتظاميه کي ڪهڻ جو بعد ۾ "خاصيت ھجيس آهي، جي مدد سپريم آهي، درجو پهريون آهي"، ۽ خلوص پيدا ڪندو ۽ حصيداري گھٽ Voltage لاء سڀ خريدار سان ڪاميابي Porcelain Insulator ، گھٽ Voltage Porcelain Insulator , Low Voltage Porcelain Insulator, By integrating manufacturing with foreign trade sectors, we can deliver total customer solutions by guaranteeing the delivery of right products and solutions to the right place at the right time, which is supported by our abundant experiences, powerful production capability, consistent quality, diversified product portfolios and the control of the industry trend as well as our mature before and after sales services. We’d like to share our ideas with you and welcome your comments and questions.
مکيه پکيڙ ۽ خاص
ٻلي. نه. |
H1426 |
H1427 |
H1428 |
H1429 |
H1430 |
H1431 |
Voltage (kV) چونديل |
126 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
انجير نمبر |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
ڇت نمبر وڏي / ننڍي |
15/15 |
17/17 |
10/10 |
14/14 |
13/12 |
15/14 |
مکيه پاسا (ميلي)
ايڇ |
1350 ع ± 20 |
1500 ± 20 |
1000 ± 20 |
1350 |
1250 ع ± 10 |
1410 ± 10 |
د |
396 |
396 |
396 |
380 |
380 |
390 |
ح 3 |
1029 |
1176 |
661،5 |
1040 |
960 |
1120 |
د 1 |
216 ± 6 |
216 ± 6 |
216 ± 6 |
190 ± 5 |
190 ± 4 |
190 ± 4 |
د 2 |
266 ± 6 |
266 ± 6 |
266 ± 6 |
سورت 240 ± 5 |
250 ± 6 |
250 ± 6 |
د 3 |
216 ± 6 |
216 ± 6 |
216 ± 6 |
190 ± 5 |
130 ± 5 |
130 ± 5 |
د 4 |
266 ± 6 |
266 ± 6 |
266 ± 6 |
سورت 240 ± 5 |
174 ± 5 |
174 ± 5 |
د 5 |
338 |
338 |
338 |
340 |
340 |
350 |
Creepage مفاصلو (ميلي) |
3550 |
4200 |
2350 |
3960 |
3100 |
3906 |
وزن (رپيا) |
170 |
190 |
130 |
160 |
180 |
201 |
We look quality as the foundation of the enterprise, adhering the management philosophy that to do less products and do not let unqualified products leave the factory.
اسان جي معرڪو جو بنياد وڌو ته جيئن معياري نظر، جو انتظام فلسفو آهي ته گهٽ شين ڪندا ۽ جڳائي نه ٿو بلا شرط مصنوعات جي ڪوٺي ڇڏي چنبڙيل.