Solidu Core Istazzjon Post Insulaturi IEC
Il-muftieħ għas-suċċess tagħna huwa "Kwalità Tajba Prodott, valur raġonevoli u effiċjenti ta 'servizz" għall Polimer Pin Iżolaturi, porċellana iżolatur , Composite Post Insulator, Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or seeking engineering assistance for your application, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements. We’ve been looking forward to cooperating with friends from all over the world.
Pub IEC 2/3
Kat. No |
H |
D |
P 1 |
P 2 |
Q 1 |
Q 2 |
T |
d 1 |
d 2 |
H1321 |
1220 |
230 |
127 |
159 |
127/178 |
159/225 |
/ 17 |
4-M16 |
4-M16 / 4-Ø18 |
H1322 |
1220 |
230 |
127 |
159 |
127/200 |
159/245 |
/ 17 |
4-M16 |
4-M16 / 4-Ø18 |
H1323 |
1220 |
230 |
127 |
159 |
127/200 |
159/245 |
/ 17 |
4-M16 |
4-M16 / 4-Ø18 |
H1324 |
1220 |
230 |
127 |
159 |
127/225 |
159/270 |
/ 17 |
4-M16 |
4-M16 / 4-Ø18 |
H1325 |
2300 |
250 |
127 |
159 |
200 |
245 |
17 |
4-M16 |
4-Ø18 |
H1326 |
2300 |
250 |
127 |
159 |
225 |
270 |
17 |
4-M16 |
4-Ø18 |
H1327 |
2300 |
250 |
127 |
159 |
254 |
300 |
17 |
4-M16 |
4-Ø18 |
Ħatra IEC |
C4-550-Ⅱ |
C6-550-Ⅱ |
C8-550-Ⅱ |
C4-1050-Ⅱ |
C6-1050-Ⅱ |
C8-1050-Ⅱ |
Iżolament Distanza / mm |
2900 |
2900 |
2900 |
2900 |
5650 |
5650 |
Cantilever Qawwa / KN |
4 |
6 |
8 |
10 |
4 |
6 |
Torsjoni Qawwa / Nm |
3000 |
4000 |
4000 |
4000 |
3000 |
3000 |
Power Frekwenza Wet / kV |
230 |
230 |
230 |
230 |
460 |
460 |
Dawl Impuls / kV |
550 |
550 |
550 |
550 |
1050 |
1050 |
Piż Nett / kg |
48 |
56 |
62 |
70 |
125 |
130 |
Numru fir Pakkett Standard |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
We look quality as the foundation of the enterprise, adhering the management philosophy that to do less products and do not let unqualified products leave the factory.
Application Scenarios
Aħna nħarsu kwalità bħala l-pedament ta 'l-intrapriża, li jeħel il-filosofija ta' ġestjoni li tagħmel inqas prodotti u ma let prodotti mhux kwalifikata jħallu l-fabbrika.