Qxur Istrument Transformer porċellana 01
Kollha għandna nagħmlu huwa dejjem assoċjat mal Prinċipju tagħna "Customer ewwel, Trust ewwel, jiddedika fuq l-imballaġġ tal-ikel u protezzjoni ambjentali għall porċellana Insulaturi elettriċi , Porcelain Products Insulators, Porcelain Telegraph Insulators, We always hold on the company’s principle “honest, professional, effective and innovation”, and missions of: allow all drivers enjoy their driving at night, let our employees can realize their value of life, and to be stronger and service more people. We have been determined to become the integrator of our product market and one-stop service provider of our product market.
Kat. Nru |
H1401 |
H1402 |
H1403 |
H1404 |
H1405 |
H1406 |
H1407 |
Vultaġġ nominali (kV) |
126 |
126 |
252 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
Fig No |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Shed Nru Big / Żgħar |
13/13 |
11/10 |
21/20 |
12/11 |
13/12 |
12/11 |
13/12 |
Tip għal capacitors |
LCWB 6-126 |
LCWB 6-126 |
JDCF-252W 2 |
LB 7 -126W 2 |
LB 7 -126W 2 |
LB 7 -126 |
LB 7 -126 |
Dimensjonijiet ewlenin (mm)
H |
1350 |
1200 |
2435 |
1300 |
1500 |
1260 |
1260 |
D |
440 |
436 |
755 |
480 |
485 |
470 |
484 |
H 1 |
42 |
42 |
60 |
60 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
h 2 |
42 |
42 |
50 |
60 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
d |
230 |
230 |
525 |
275 |
275 |
270 |
270 |
d 1 |
300 |
300 |
605 |
340 |
340 |
334 |
334 |
d 2 |
340 |
340 |
665 |
376 |
376 |
376 |
376 |
d 3 |
230 |
230 |
525 |
275 |
275 |
270 |
270 |
D 4 |
340 |
340 |
665 |
376 |
376 |
376 |
376 |
Iżolament Distanza (mm) |
3906 |
3170 |
6300 |
3150 |
3906 |
3150 |
3950 |
Piż (kg) |
200 |
180 |
197 |
225 |
175 |
190 |
We look quality as the foundation of the enterprise, adhering the management philosophy that to do less products and do not let unqualified products leave the factory.
Aħna nħarsu kwalità bħala l-pedament ta 'l-intrapriża, li jeħel il-filosofija ta' ġestjoni li tagħmel inqas prodotti u ma let prodotti mhux kwalifikata jħallu l-fabbrika.